
IBackup Express Plug-in

Express Plug-in for MS SQL Server data

Steps to transfer your MS SQL Server data:

  1. On the main screen, click the 'Transfer SQL Server Data' button.
  2. Provide the SQL Server authentication information.
  3. Select a temporary location on your local computer for the data transfer and select a folder in the external device shipped by IBackup to transfer the MS SQL Server data to it.
  4. Select the databases that you want to transfer and click the 'Transfer data' button.

Once the data transfer is complete, you may view the logs.

System Requirements

MS SQL Server

  • Windows 2008 Server, 2003 Server, 2000 Server
  • MS SQL Server 2008, MSDE, MS Express 2005, MS SQL Server 2005, MS SQL Server 2000
  • 128 MB RAM, Sufficient space in hard disk to store the database backup files (.dmp)